Comments on “Be Wary of Don Lapre and Doug Grant”


      I  have been asked about a website article that talks about Doug Grant and his involvement with a infomercial guru named Don Lapre.  Doug Grant is a Nutritionist, Exercise and Fitness instructor and a formulator of nutritional products.


      I have personally known Doug Grant for over a decade and I also know about the Quacks who write the Quackwatch materials.  Let me first start with Doug Grant.  I first learned about Doug Grant when I attended a health seminar in Florida.  He was the featured speaker.  Doug caught my attention immediately because he never asked me to believe him.  He cited peer reviewed research throughout his entire talk.  Doug also mentioned the importance of obeying the laws of nature and staying away from processed foods.  Doug then showed the research as to why the heavily processed foods today are killing us.  He even quoted the U.S. Surgeon General who said the same thing.  I was so compelled by this lecture from Doug Grant that me and my wife made dramatic changes in our diet and lifestyle.  From the information Doug gave at the seminar, me and my wife applied it into our lives and we have never been healthier.


     Doug Grant, through his hard work, honesty to clients and sound information has become Nutritionist to many Professional Athletes, Olympians, Actors and thousands of the public looking to achieve optimal health.  He is the official Nutritional Consultant to the NBCCA that represents most teams in the National Basketball Association.  Doug Grant is was the team nutritionist for the Phoenix Suns for almost a decade and now serves many teams including the San Antonio Spurs and the Miami Heat.  Actors like Wesley Snipes and even Miss America contestants have sought out Doug Grant’s services.  Doug Grant has just finished his latest book on health.  Here is the Introduction portion of his book in Doug Grants own words;


Henry David Thoreau once said, “Our chief want in life is someone to help us do what we can.” I learned many years ago that in order to accomplish big things in life, we must surround ourselves with people who are experts in the fields in which we want to excel. In my early 20’s I had an accident that made me look at our health care system from an entirely different point of view than I had previously. I was working in a tire warehouse and fell from some scaffolding to the cement floor below; I damaged the L4-L5 vertebrae in my back leaving me paralyzed for a time.  That event helped me to understand the important principle of success that has created the ability for this book to become a reality.  When it came time for me to ask difficult questions of my doctors, it became extremely obvious that they were only going to give me their opinions from their particular specialty. For example, a surgeon recommended surgery for my injured lower back. A physical therapist recommended exercise therapy, my M.D. recommended drugs and rest, and a good friend of mine that was a chiropractor recommended massage, ultrasound, manipulation.  He also told me to look into nutrition and other areas of health care that might also help. When my friend said this, I realized that I needed to take responsibility for my own health and get the best tests and opinions I could, but that ultimately I needed to map out my own road to recovery.

It dawned on me then that I had learned this at a young age; I remembered my father’s teachings while growing up, specifically that I must learn all I can and then make my own decisions, before others make them for me. My Father had credibility in teaching this lesson. In WW II, he made the decision to join the Air Force, after researching the options of what was going on at the time. He became the ball turret gunner in a B-17 bomber plane. On a mission over Munster Germany, his plane was shot down. He was eventually captured by the German Gestapo and spent time in the dreaded prison camps. After gathering more information, he made the decision to escape. After weeks of starvation and freezing rain, and only traveling at night, he made it back into the American lines and to freedom1. He definitely knows something about making decisions and being able to follow through with them. I continued to ask more questions of the medical doctors. What I learned astonished me. I realized that our medical system is not about curing or fixing problems, but is meant to help people in crisis care get relief from pain and then hopefully get back on the right track, on your own. The problem has become that we as a  population rely on the “crisis” experts as our sole source of guidance for health. We have unjustly put medical doctors in the powerful position to treat our every concern. However, the only way they know to treat our problems is through drugs: drugs that either mask the true cause of the problem (e.g. cholesterol lowering drugs – lowering the cholesterol artificially, but not finding out why cholesterol is high in the first place) or disguise it in the hope the problem will disappear on its own.  My chiropractor was the only health professional that recommended a complete approach and was open to communicating and networking with other professionals in order to get me the best care possible. I have since learned that many health professionals in different fields are taking this approach more often. Needless to say, I began following my chiropractor’s recommendations. Because of my injury, I also continued my care with a neurologist for diagnostic follow up. Shortly thereafter, I ran into an unexpected turn that would change my life even more dramatically. As I started researching health principles, I came across the following quote from our Surgeon General at the time: “you the individual can do more for your health and well being than any doctor, any hospital, any drug, and any exotic medical device.” I felt compelled to research the sciences of nutrition and exercise even more than I had before, so that I could be armed with the knowledge to make the right choices for my overall health. Unfortunately, I was dismayed once again. I saw a lack of truths and differences of opinion from registered dieticians, nutritionists and so-called exercise experts.


The dietician industry was being courted by big food companies that wanted their method of thinking taught in schools2. I knew then that I could only

utilize some of the basic sciences from the dietetic world and not believe all of the guidelines, many of which were not based on fact (e.g. the teachings

that Aspartame and other harmful ingredients were safe3, it actually is not4). So then I looked to nutritionists. One nutritionist would teach one diet as the best and another would teach the opposite and still another would go in an even different direction. There were many nutrition programs available but they differed in context also. Exercise experts would differ between how much exercise a person should do and what type was most effective.  So what was I left to do?

I remembered a book I had read growing up that was recommended to me by an extremely successful person entitled “Think and Grow Rich.” He had told me that this book had allowed him to accomplish more than any other book, except the Bible. In this book, the author talks about researching the most prominent and successful people of his day. Through years of research, he found that the most successful individuals were the ones that had surrounded themselves with experts, gleaned knowledge from them and put together a plan for themselves that was based on all the truths they learned.

It was at this time that I chose a nutritional degree program through a group that utilized the works of generations of leading authorities on nutrition.  I also sought out and selected four different exercise certification companies so that I could make the right decisions with that part of my personal health package. Although this was a great start, it was not enough, and I could not even come close to accomplishing my goals alone. I started scouring through research journals looking for the true experts in nutrition and exercise.

Once I discovered these individuals, I contacted them personally and met with them – with the request that they honor me by being on my advisory

board of health. The awesome thing was that every single expert I contacted was glad to help me, even though I had nothing in return to give them

except my commitment to follow their principles and then share them with everyone else that I could. Over the next few years, my health improved dramatically. My performance had increased to a point that I was blessed to win a gold medal at the Drug Free World Power lifting championships. I found myself teaching others what I had learned. My approach became to share with people my research of the many leading experts and put together those results in a simple-to-follow program. I became sought after by others for help because I was committed, and resolved not to give them “just another opinion,” but rather share what I had learned through deep research. I started teaching people and training them while I was still going through therapy and eventually I started a personal training and nutrition center.  Thousands of people came through and benefited from our no nonsense way of achieving optimal health .

It was this business that led to me meeting Danny Ainge, a professional basketball player, who was seeking nutritional guidance because he felt he was not informed properly about anti-inflammatory side effects during his 13 years in the NBA. His liver enzymes were elevated and he had free radical damage along with high cholesterol problems although he consumed no alcohol. After following our program for a few months, consuming the proper nutritional foods and nutrients, all of his numbers improved. He then referred me to other athletes like Dan Majerle, and Charles Barkley and eventually I became the Team Nutritionist for the Phoenix Suns. I have since been working with many teams, players, celebrities and the general public for well over a decade, traveling and holding seminars, teaching and educating on the true health principles necessary to reach optimal health.  The majority of my time now is spent in training health professionals on nutritional testing and programs for their patients.  In 2002 I was approached by infomercial business guru Don Lapre.  Don became educated through the school of hard knocks – he created a tremendous business in the tough arena of television against all odds because he didn’t have any formal education. Don had been concerned about some of the health problems of loved ones, and was searching for ways to help them. He was referred to me and shortly thereafter attended a seminar I was speaking at. After hearing the research, he quickly determined the problem was with our medical model of health in America. During a conversation afterwards he said that he intuitively thought that both the medical and nutritional hype model of business was wrong, and getting back to the basics of whole foods and sound exercise was the true answer. The research from the seminar confirmed that for him, and we outlined a strategy to follow. He then hired my company’s services to produce an all-in-one whole food vitamin product that he has sold through his infomercials. As time has a way of bringing people to a greater understanding of health, Don had become extremely motivated to take our health education to the masses.  His mom had benefited tremendously from the nutritional program we put her on, and he saw that the public was still for the most part not taking responsibility for their own health. He told me about his frustrations, and I admitted that those were the same frustrations I have had for over 15 years. The way I handled it was to share with people the true research through simple programs so they can make educated, informed decisions and take charge of their own health. Although we work with thousands of health professionals and many of the top athletes in the world, our educational programs and products were not hitting the masses because we have followed a no-nonsense simple approach without the fancy gimmicks that usually attract people.

It was determined that a book must be written to empower the public with knowledge so they could make informed decisions and not just rely on one person’s recommendations for their health and well being. By utilizing an infomercial model we could educate more people in a year than I had in a decade. This would then progress into retail markets and stores to expand the awareness about health. Thus, this book was created. I was only one of an entire team that collaborated on the contents of this work, all of us using the principles I learned many years ago through my research. You will not find many opinions in this book, but instead will find researched facts about our medical and nutritional system and a simple plan to help you decide when to choose and how much to choose of each profession’s tools for health.

What this book is and isn’t:

·        This book is a research based tool for the public to become aware of their need to take responsibility for their health.

·        It is a reference for the public to see what the medical approaches to conditions are and the risks associated with them.

·        It is a reference to look up the nutritional approaches that have been proven to help with specific conditions.

·        It is a tool to learn the basic nutrition guidelines to start improving your health today.

·        It is a tool to guide the public to responsible nutrition companies that can provide education and products.

·        The book isn’t someone’s opinion that is not based on facts and peer reviewed research.

·        It isn’t a tool to create bad feelings between the medical and nutritional systems. In fact, it is the opposite of that. We want to create a great networking between these two groups so that the public will be served properly.

·        The book isn’t a manual that just leaves you hanging as to where you should go for your health needs.

This book “Natural Cures your Doctor should have told you about” is a look into our health care system. It will give you a great start on your education and motivation needed to take responsibility for your own health care. The book is owned by “Erica Inc.” I have been hired by Don Lapre to write this book. As I mentioned, my work alone wouldn’t do this project justice. I have utilized the top minds in the industry to make this possible. My company Optimal Health Systems sells and promotes holistic programs and products for professional athletes and doctors worldwide. At the end of the book we give you the option to use our services or some of the others we recommend as reputable companies that provide education with their products. If you stick with companies that provide true education with their programs, then you can choose to use them or someone else to help you with your lifestyle from a nutritional standpoint. No matter what programs you choose to follow, you will get educated and will be healthier.

All of the contributing writers and researchers who helped with this book, along with Don LaPre, hope and pray that this work will enlighten the public’s understanding about health care, and will in turn empower the reader to take full responsibility for their well being by giving them the tools to make the best decisions for their health and longevity. Healthy reading.

Yours in health,

Douglas D. Grant



     1Call 1-800-890-4547 to order H. Lyle Grant’s book: Shot Down But Not Defeated

2Clark, A.,. “Healthy by choice,’ Veg Times, June 1993, pg 7.

3American Dietetic Association. Straight Answers About Aspartame. Food and Nutrition

Information Fact Sheets. 2003. ADA.

4US Department of Health and Human Services, “Report on adverse reactions in the

adverse monitoring system,” Feb. 28, 1994.

Mullarkey, B., “Sweet delusion,” Informed Consent, Sept./Oct. 1994, p. 35 US Air Force, “Aspartame alert,” Flying Safety, 48:20, 1992.

Louis R., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 8th ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992, p. 2251.

Roberts, H., “Does aspartame cause human brain cancer?,” J Advance Med, 4:236, 1991.

Gross, A., Congressional Record, SID 835:131, Aug. 1, 1985.

Potenza, D., “Aspartame: clinical update,” Connecticut Medicine, 53:395, 1989.  Neuroscience Research. Dr. John W. Olney. Washington School of Medicine.St. Louis, Missiouri. S.D. Searle on Aspartame.



    As you can see, Doug Grant lays it out there for the public to see what is going on in the health industry and allows them to choose what to do individually.  Because Doug Grant takes this approach, many people in the medical and pharmaceutical industry want to attack him.  They want you to believe them because of their keen writing abilities even though they don’t back up what they say with sound research or evidence.


   In the article “Be Wary about Don Lapre and Doug Grant” the author tries to down play Doug’s role with the NBCCA by stating that the website from the NBCCA comes from OHS which is Doug Grant’s company.  The truth is that the president of the NBCCA at the time Robin Pound M.S. contracted with OHS to help them make there website.  Robin had received such good service from OHS in his dealings, he decided to use them to help create there website.  This just goes to show what a great reputation Doug has with his clientele and yet the quackwatch group wants you to believe that is a negative.


Probably the most ludicrous statements the quackwatch group made in there article is the statements against the products the Doug Grant formulates.  They state that Vitamins are all the same.  They state that Probiotics and other nutrients are not necessary or healthy to the body.  I could write all day on this subject but let me list a few important research citings so that you can see how uninformed, ignorant or just deceitful the quackwatch group is. 


Difference between synthetic and whole food vitamins  and Probiotics comment. This information comes from a white paper Doug Grant wrote on these subjects.  Please note all the references at the end of the article.


Probiotic Defense


            The next nutrient necessity is probiotics. Again, this is an inning of the game of health that many people have never traversed. Most of us are unfamiliar with the benefits of probiotics and the danger we put ourselves in when we fail to take advantage of those benefits.

            What are probiotics, and why the need? Antibiotics have been used for a number of years to fight infections and ward off harmful bacteria.  Antibiotics means “against or opposed to life.”[i]

            Probiotics, on the other hand, means “promoting or favoring life.” Probiotics are living organisms—also known as bacteria or flora—that colonize and flourish in the healthy intestine. These friendly bacteria are vital to health and to the proper functioning of the intestinal tract. In fact, the healthy intestine contains approximately three pounds of friendly flora.[ii]

            These bacteria strains function as a backup to our body’s immune system. They promote health by secreting antibiotic-like substances, such as lactic acid, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and others. Though these substances are produced in tiny amounts, they have a wide-range of activity against salmonella, pseudomonas, E. coli and other harmful food-borne bacteria.[iii]

            When the intestine is flourishing with friendly bacteria, there is no room for the harmful, disease-causing strains to implant and grow.

            Not only do probiotics help to detoxify and suppress pathogens, they also promote proper digestion. Certain strains are particularly beneficial as they produce abundant amounts of the enzyme lactase; and, thus, are effective in helping many individuals tolerate dairy foods.[iv]

            Unfortunately, this is another area that has been generally dealt with in a way that has further exaggerated the problem, rather than addressing it.

            Consider the problem: As stated above, the healthy intestine requires the presence of friendly bacteria. However, common dietary and lifestyle factors destroy those bacteria.

            Stress—with daily pressures of family life, work and finances that seem to be a fact of life for most of us—is to blame for much of the probiotic depletion each of us experiences today. Probiotics are also depleted by strong antibacterial herbs, cortisone, carbonated drinks, lack of sleep, laxatives and birth control pills.[v] Poor diet, toxins in the blood stream and emotional upset further rob the body of the flora it needs. Natural aging also takes a toll on our probiotic stores.

            Studies show that most North Americans have less than half the amount of flora needed for optimal health.[vi] As bowel flora is depleted, the body is subject to numerous diseases, including colitis, diabetes, meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease and even bowel cancer. A deficiency in friendly bacteria can bring on a host of additional problems associated with bowel toxicity.

            Following the route that depletes probiotics has taken thousands of people further and further from optimal health. The results have been staggering. Infectious diseases that once were considered to be under control have reemerged with more ferocity than ever. Flus and cold are more frequent, more debilitating than ever.[vii]

            Whenever an individual experiences the results of a depleted probiotic supply, their doctor’s first inclination is often to treat the resulting infection or virus with an antibiotic. Ironically, the strategy used to protect us from disease further complicates the situation and actually puts us at greater risk. Antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria, they also wipe out the good strains (those same strains that have already been depleted by the lifestyle and environmental factors noted above).

            Females may be all too familiar with this vicious cycle. How many women have gone to the doctor because they had a cold or ear infection, were given an antibiotic, and within a few weeks have had to go back to see the doctor, this time with a yeast infection? The antibiotic may have done its job of killing the bacteria that caused the cold or infection, but at the same time, it depleted the stores of friendly flora that keep the yeast overgrowth in check.

            Yet, still, antibiotics are often prescribed indiscriminately, even for minor ailments, without any thought as to whether they are really necessary for that situation. Don’t think that because you haven’t taken an antibiotic lately that your probiotc supply is fine.

            Even though you haven’t had a written prescription for an antibiotic, chances are you have still taken significant amounts of antibiotics during the past few months. You see, animals (including cows, pigs and chickens) are fed antibiotics in order to keep them well and to promote growth. In fact, in North America, half of the antibiotics produced—over 20 million pounds each year—are fed to animals. Dairy products as well contain high levels of antibiotics.[viii]

            What is the answer then, if our lifestyles and environmental factors are taking away from our supply of friendly flora? How can an individual continue to win without a constant supply?

            The Game of LIFE, then, requires probiotic supplementation. Many products of the market (acidophilus or salivarius supplements) are single-strain products, so don’t provide the combination of benefits that can come from a blend of several different strains.

            When selecting a probiotic supplement, look, also for stabilized strains of bacteria. Stabilized strains of bacteria are hearty and resilient, able to survive the many changes in pH and temperature encountered before reaching the lower intestine where the bacteria can grow.

            As the friendly flora grows and fills in the spaces in your intestine, there will be no “vacancies” where bad bacteria can implant. Choose to protect yourself from toxins and harmful bacteria and the resulting infectious diseases by restoring your friendly bacteria. Nutritionally, flora can be restored by eating yogurt and other fermented foods. However, unless you are eating such foods on a daily basis, you are most likely not getting enough flora to make up for what is lost due to dietary and environmental factors.

With the factors of constant stress, overuse of prescription antibiotics, and antibiotics in our foods, flora supplementation is really the only way to ensure optimum bacteria balance. Remember, flora supplementation is particularly important if you are under stress. Your flora supply should also be restored through supplementation if you have recently taken antibiotics or are planning for or recovering from surgery. Flora supplementation can be particular beneficial for individuals who are lactose intolerant. Also, anyone who is frequently sick, has recently been exposed to an infectious disease, or is experiencing symptoms of bowel toxicity may find flora to be extremely helpful.[ix]

Don’t mess around this inning in the Game of LIFE. Make a choice to improve and protect your immune system from the ravages of stress and lifestyle, rather than leaving yourself open for any bacterial invader that comes your way every time you eat, drink or breathe. It will serve you well and take you closer to your success of health if you will make flora supplementation part of your game winning strategy.

#3 – Vitamin Offense


            By taking enzymes and flora, you will have a significant advantage in the Game of LIFE. But, what about the more traditional nutrients that you have always heard about? What about vitamins and minerals? Was your mother right when she told you to eat your vegetables to get these nutrients?

            A U.S. Department of Agriculture study substantiates what your mother may have advocated. It found that most Americans are getting well below the Recommended Daily Allowances for most vitamins. Another survey showed that 97% of Americans have some sort of nutritional deficiency.[x] Where has all the nutrition gone?

            First, take a look at the modern diet. Many people seem to be getting by on junk food diets of high-fat fast foods, salty snacks and sugar-loaded desserts. One research study found that on any given day almost half of the American population doesn’t eat even one piece of fruit. Eighteen percent have neglected to eat even one vegetable.[xi] To make matters worse, even the fruits and vegetables that we do eat are often canned, frozen or otherwise processed.

The same processing methods that destroy the enzymes in foods also take a toll on the other nutrients. Add to that the poor crop rotation, depletion of the soil, the use of pesticides, the presence of environmental toxins, the practice of harvesting foods before they are ripe and many other commonplace farming practices and you end up with foods that are seriously lacking in the nutrients.[xii]

While it was once easy to come by vitamins and minerals from our foods, in today’s environment, even selecting food properly may not ensure that you are getting all the nutrients you may think.

            Cabbage once contained high amounts of vitamin C. Now, with current growing and processing methods, it has none. The protein content of wheat has dropped from 17 percent to only about 9 percent.[xiii] Even the same foods can vary in nutrient content simply because of growing conditions. One study showed that the vitamin A content in tomatoes can vary from 640 CIU to over 3,000 CIU depending upon where they are grown.[xiv]

            Somehow, we need to find a way to take up the slack and restore the vitamins and minerals that our bodies must have if we are to enjoy optimal health.   

Now you may think that you can get along just fine with a minor nutrient deficiency. Think again! Minor deficiencies manifest themselves first as something as seemingly insignificant. Your hair may lose its sheen. Your fingernails may have ridges or your lips may crack. You may bruise easily or you may feel unusually sluggish in the afternoon. Soon, however, those minor deficiencies can develop into major problems.

Vitamins have been described as “missing keys,” and like a key, “they fit into tiny chemical locks that free the body’s…regulatory networks, each vitamin is a complex organic molecule that fills in specific missing links throughout the body’s chemistry.”[xv]

            What happens when certain “chemical locks” are left locked, simply because you haven’t supplied the body with the necessary vitamins? What may begin as a minor deficiency symptom can quickly elevate into a significant problem and health concern. Knowing that vitamins are key, it becomes obvious that they are, indeed, crucial. Their role is significant as they supply the keys necessary to balance and nourish the body, support it in its hundreds of processes and promote its healing and regeneration. In the body, vitamins work in tandem with enzymes and with minerals, assisting these other nutrients to perform their roles.

            As noted previously, the general public is often misled by marketing mires to bend the rules. In terms of vitamin supplementation, this is again the case. First, many people have been led to believe that vitamin supplementation is simply not necessary. This is definitely a dangerously mismarked byway. The Food and Nutrition Encyclopedia puts the matter to rest, saying, There is no question that nutrient supplements, used properly, are critical to restoring and sometimes to maintaining human health.”[xvi]

            Even those who understand the need for vitamin supplementation fail to comprehend the subtle—but significant—difference between whole food vitamins and synthetics. In order for the vitamin (the key) to be of any use in the body, it must be absorbed into the cells. The fitting of the missing keys into their tiny slots in your biochemistry takes place within the trillions of cells that make up the body. Unfortunately, if you were to take any one of many commercially produced vitamins on the market you could still be malnourished, simply because the vitamins in these supplements are only fractions of the complete key, and, thus, are not useable on the cellular level.

            In actuality, synthetic or chemically purified substances that are labeled and sold as vitamins are not really vitamins at all. They are only fragments of the key the body needs. In this fractionated, incomplete form, the so-called vitamin becomes a non-food and, rather than a nourishing, sustaining effect in the body, it acts like a drug. Synthetic vitamins are unrecognizable in the body. In their fractionated form, they don’t fit into the keyhole.[xvii]

            Whole food vitamins, on the other hand, are alive. They are moving, functioning composites that contain all the co-factors necessary to perform their role within the body.

Whole Food Vitamin C

            Synthetic vitamins have the exact opposite effect than you would want from a vitamin supplement. For example, alpha tocopherol is sold as “vitamin E.” Actually, this is only a portion of the complete vitamin E complex and in this form it loses up to 99 percent of its potency or function. In essence, it is no longer vitamin E. This is obvious when you realize that, in its whole food form, vitamin E supports bone health and strength. However, large doses of alpha tocopherol actually causes the bone to release minerals to compensate for this incomplete, synthetic source of vitamin E.

            The way the body handles these nutritional fractions is to use up its own reserves to create the entire complex (the key that will fit the lock).

For example, taking ascorbic acid instead of whole vitamin C would force the body to use its own reserves of J Factor, K factor, rutin, and the other portions of the complete vitamin C. The result could actually deplete the body’s supply. This means that taking synthetic vitamins may not replenish nutrients, but could very easily cause a deficiency.[xviii]

            In addition to improper function and inability to perform a role in the body, fractionated vitamins stimulate nerve activity and increase blood sugar pickup (a drug-like reaction). These vitamin forms are rushed through the body for elimination (which may cause a temporary euphoric feeling, but doesn’t encourage repair or regeneration).[xix]

            Though synthetic vitamins are the most prevalent kind of the market today, consumers beware! These vitamins are the most inexpensive form to produce and market. The companies who put them on the shelf are much more interested in your wallet than in your wellbeing.

Hold out for whole food vitamins. You can now make an informed decision that will allow you to have the benefits and balance of bounteous whole food vitamin stores. Supplement you diet with a whole food vitamin source to steer clear of the minor vitamin deficiencies that can result in major problems. By restoring your critical vitamin balance, you’ll notice that your skin, hair and nails are healthier. You won’t have constant mood swings and you will no longer crumble under the daily stresses you have to face. Vitamin balance can help you experience the advantages of increased energy, greater mental clarity and fewer aches and pains. Since whole food vitamins support the body’s natural healing processes, every illness or disease responds more favorably if the right kind of vitamins are available to the body.

This is an area where too many people try to bend the rules of the game. They reach for a one-each-day type of vitamin, thinking they are doing themselves and favor, and don’t realize that are reducing their potential to win. Still sick and tired, they wonder what’s wrong, thinking to themselves, “But, I take my vitamins!”

Don’t fall by the wayside with this way of thinking. Add back what is missing due to current lifestyle and environmental factors by taking whole food vitamins and experience the added benefits for health!


[i] Chaitow, Leon, N.D., D.O. and Natasha Trenew. Probiotics.London: Harper Collins, 1990.

[ii] Shahani, Khem M., Ph.D. and Nagendra Rangavajhyala, Ph.D. “Role of Probiotics in Clinical Nutrition and Immunity” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists, Orlando, FL, August 28-31, 1997.

[iii] Fernandes CF, Shahani, KM, Amer MA. Therapeutic role of dietary lactobacilli and lactobacillic fermented dairy foods. FEMS Microbiol Rev 1987;46:343-356.

[iv] Fernandes, CF Ph.D. and Khem Shahani, Ph.D. “Lactose intolerance and its modulation with lactobacilli and other microbial supplements.” Journal of Applied Nutrition Vol. 41, Number 2, 1989.

[v] Shahani, op. cit.

[vi] Huenel, H. “Human Normal and Abnormal Gastrointestinal Flora” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1970; 23: 1433-9.

[vii] Garrett, op. cit.

[viii] Ibid.

[ix] Fernandes and Shahani, KM. Amer MA, op. cit.

[x] USDA Report

[xi] Ibid.

[xii] “Composition of Foods.” Agriculture Handbook, Nov. 8, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.

[xiii] Ibid.

[xiv] Kellogg, op.cit., pg 74.

[xv] Beasley, Joseph D., M.D. and Jeffy Swift, M.A. The Kellogg Report: The Impact of Nutrition, Environment and Lifestyle on the Health of Americans. New York: The Institute of Health Policy and Practice, 1989, pg. 70.

[xvi] Ensminger, et al. The Food and Nutrition Encyclopedia. 1983: 2203.

[xvii] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1997.

[xviii] New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 333, No. 21.

[xix] Robbins, Joel, M.D., D.C. Nutrition in the Practice: A Practical Guide on Incorporating Nutrition into any Health Care Practice. Oklahoma: Health Dynamics Corporation, 1997.



The bottom line about Doug Grant is this.  He is a man that is committed to raise the standard of health in the industry.  Doug Grant knows he has flaws and makes mistakes like any other human being.  This is why he doesn’t ask you to believe him.  He lays out all the research and information in a way that is fun to learn and informative.  People that try to rip on Doug Grant for his relationships and attempts to get the word out to the public in a bigger way are foolish and they usually have their own behind the scenes game plan going on.


Here is some great links to websites that tell the other side of the story about the Quackwatch group.





I hope this information will serve the public who is interested in finding out the truth about Doug Grant or anyone else in the holistic health field that is trying to educate the public on healthy habits that will help you achieve optimal health.




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